Monday, April 30, 2012

Doris Ermantrude Jenkins

My sculpt for Doris! This will really help me out with the animation I'm going to be doing of her. Her character has changed quite a bit since the first design, but all for the better, I think. Below are some story sketches for the opening sequence.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunken Robot

Might do a short film with some artistic acquaintances. My friend Ryan drew an image of a robot trapped at the bottom of the ocean and it inspired me to do my own take on it. Will our piece be about technology stranded in an aquatic wasteland...or something else? Nobody knows, the possibilities excite me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be at Peace Coco

My dearest cat, Coco Loco (primarily known as Fatty and sometimes Queen of Sheeba) just passed away after 18 long years. I really cannot even begin to state how struck I am by the fact that she is no longer here. When an animal has been there to comfort you and be by your side throughout most of your life, it's basically the same feeling to me as having lost a dear relative. She was a kind cat, never caused any problems and fought hard against kidney failure until the very end of her life. She even stayed alive for three months longer than any vets were estimating her to. I know that I really should be happy that she lived such a long and uninterrupted life, but I still can't help but feel an incredible emptiness from her now being gone. She was well loved, will be dearly missed, and will never be forgotten for the rest of my life. Be at peace old girl.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Farm Fresh - Series 1

So....this started probably about 6 months ago. Erika had been scribbling some pictures of birds while we were talking about another project. I said to her that the bird looked like a carrot, to which she responded "....It's a carrot-chicken!" (Or chicken carrot, I really don't remember). Little did she know what that simple comment was about to yield. I immediately sat down and drew the line-art for said carrot chicken in my own style and colored it later that night. This piece has been haunting me for some time, because it has periodically been called one of the best things I've ever done by all the people I've shown it to. A representative for Disney even told me that I probably shouldn't show it to anyone, because she thought it was such a good idea (I'm not sure about that, but it was a huge complement). It recently occurred to me that I may have been on to something and that it truly deserved some companions. So here are the humble beginnings of whatever madness I have started. More of these soon to come.